Thursday, February 18, 2021

Jay's Visit


January 30, 2021

Today Jay wanted to come and start Anton's car.  He had no problem and returned my library book on his little trip.

Purple Heart is coming on Monday and I wanted to donate my Nesco roaster from the basement that I didn't use in many years.  When he got back from starting the car I asked him to bring up the Nesco and set it outside the door.  Before he did that I put some cat litter in front of the door on an icy patch.  As the ice melted it turned that cat litter and melted ice into a slushy mud.  Jay said that I should put a tarp on my upstairs porch to prevent the melting snow from dripping on my front step.  I said that the porch has deep snow.  So he took my snow shovel and went upstairs to clear off the snow and spread a plastic shower curtain on the porch that he anchored with some bricks. 

When he went upstairs, his shoes had that messy slush that stained the carpet.  He now had to scrub the stains off the carpet.  When he finished with that, he said my stairs could use a vacuuming.  The tool he was using wasn't functioning properly, so he took it apart, put some WD-40 on it and cleaned it up.  The vacuum wasn't giving enough suction, so he cleaned out the lint container, cleaned the brushes and washed out the filters.  After putting everything together, he vacuumed my stairs from upstairs all the way to the basement.  All the while he was doing that I was sitting and watching him.  We both were wearing masks and keeping our distance. 

I offered him some wine with cheese and crackers that we both enjoyed.

Before he left I asked him to take the snow shovel and get rid of that slushy mess in front of the door.  That was no easy task because it really was muddy.  He used snow to try to clean it, but ended up with a bucket of hot water that I added floor cleaner to so that he could scrub it clean.

So what began as a simple project of getting the car started ended up in a major job.

Monday, February 1

Laura called me with a check-up call and we had a nice visit.  I told her all about Jay's visit and she told me about the magic cake that Anton made.  We had such a nice visit.

About an hour later Jay called and told me that Laura got her test results about 30 minutes ago that she tested positive for Covid.  She had flu symptoms. 

How long she was positive is anyone's guess, but Jay was at my house on Saturday doing all of his odd jobs.

Will I get symptoms also?

February 2, 2021

Could not get back to sleep after using the bathroom at 3:30 am.  The toilet was slow in flushing, so I went down for a plunger and tried to loosen it to to avail.  Stayed up and played gin online.  The toilet worked fine the next time I flushed.

Tried to take a nap before book club, but that didn't work with Dolly's weight on my legs.

A pretty uneventful day.  Book Club discussed Kingdom of the Blind by Louise Penny.  I misread some of the plot.

Went to get the COVID test on 73rd & Rawson.  Very efficient after I printed out and filled in the paper work.  Very pleasant people.  Results were negative.




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