December 31, 2021
Wendy called me this morning with the sad news that Maureen died through the night. At our last lunch on December 16th, she was in such high spirits and looked so good. It's hard to believe she is no longer with us.
I made reservations for a New Year's Eve dinner at SRS. It would cost $35 per person for a four-course dinner with wine pairings. I cancelled when Laura invited Peter and me to spend the evening with them and Bob and Barbara Farriday and Barbara's sister Marilyn. There were filet mignon sliders, barbeque meat balls, vegetable pizza, plus other noshes. We had a fine time munching and talking until about 9:00 p.m.
Peter and I watched TV in my apartment until it was time to call it a night.
I made a ham-cherry tomato-mushroom-spinach frittata for breakfast; Peter could take some home for his breakfast tomorrow. We listened to Christmas music, watched TV, watched part of You've Got Mail until I paused the DVD and couldn't get it to continue where it left off. We watched Chicago instead. I love the pulse of that movie.
In the meantime, Rosemary dropped off a container of czarnina that she made.
At 3:00 p.m. we went to Marlene and Dwight's open house for a short while. We were one of the first to arrive and had a glass of wine with cheese, crackers, herring and cookies. As more people were arriving, some in wheel chairs and walkers, it was time for us to leave to allow more to come in.
We watched Bowl games, especially the Rose Bowl where Ohio State beat Utah State in a surprising finish.
Peter left at about 9:00 p.m. as a light dusting of snow was falling.
Nothing better than be with family and good friends anytime!