Thursday, June 2, 2022

Birds/May into June

Friday, May 27, 2022

Seeing a cardinal perch on my rail planter made me crave to see more birds, not that I'd always see cardinals.  I researched possible feeders that I could put on my balcony and found the perfect assembly at Ace Hardware in Glendale.  Since it was the Memorial Day weekend, store hours were shorter.  I would have to wait until the Tuesday after the holiday.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

I found the Ace Hardware on Port Washington Rd. and a nice young man found the clamp that I wanted.  I picked out a small cylindrical feeder and had no problem mounting it on my railing with a seed mixture.  I was thrilled when a sparrow approached the feeder, but didn't stay long.  I wasn't getting any birds.  I examined the feeder and couldn't imagine how any seed could get through those tiny holes.  Then I found the description that said it was a feeder for thistle seed.  I would take it back tomorrow.

I was in time for strength exercise at 10:30.  Then it was Book Club at 1:00.

At 2:00 p.m. there was a memorial service to remember all who died the past year, surprisingly, quite a few.

At 2:30 we played sheepshead followed by a mass at 4:00 p.m.

My BLT wrap was still delicious and hit the spot.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

I was back at Ace to exchange my feeder, but then reconsidered and would buy another clamp and thistle seed for a second feeder.  Unfortunately, Ace was out of the clamps, but was expecting a shipment in a couple of days.

I won 30 cents playing sheepshead in Hales Corners.  It would not have made sense to go home afterwards, since I was meeting Peter for the Vagabond meeting, so I browsed Walmart for patriotic decorations, milk and wine for Barbara where I'm invited for dinner on Saturday.

Peter and I shared a quesadilla with a Happy Hour wine (1$ off).  Attendance at the Vag meeting was light, probably because a group was on a trip with Bob Spindell.  We didn't stay very long after the music started.


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