Sunday, October 15, 2023

Birthday Present at Char'd

 Friday, October 13, 2023

Jay and Laura's Birthday gift to me was dinner at Bacchus, and tonight was the day to redeem it.  Jay asked if I would like to have dinner at Char'd instead and include Anton.  That was fine with me.

Jay, Laura and Anton picked me up on a drizzly evening and the owner welcomed us warmly; Jay and Laura had hosted him for dinner at their home previously.  I had some coupons for complementary wine before ordering.  We enjoyed an assortment of food and appetizers.

and Annika was able to pause from her serving to join us for a photo.

Annika suggested finishing the evening at Tied House, the bar next door, where the owner Dave is especially friendly. The place was a little noisy, but we still enjoyed it with prosecco and a complementary little drink.

This was a most enjoyable evening, and a lot more fun than a dinner at Bacchus, especially since Anton could be with us.

1 comment:

  1. Always a pleasure Marcia. Happy B-day again, Jay
