Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Week 4 - Tarantino Mem., My Breakfast, Chamber Theater, Funeral,

Sunday, January 21 Sunny but cold.

Janice still beat everyone with 3 in Wordl.
The church was packed, since Father Tim celebrated. I could not believe Ava read with her father just having died, and she didn't break up when she read the petitions naming her father.
I watched a lot of football, more than when the Packers played. The Lions beat San Francisco and the Chiefs beat Tamp Bay.

I designed invitations for breakfast on Tuesday. I went to Fresh Thyme for pineapple; they were quite small at $2.59, I think. Metro Mart had pineapples twice the size for $2.49.


I made a pumpkin bread that smells divine. While it was baking I passed out invitations to breakfast.

We had an inspiring memorial service for James Tarantino led by a staff person from Capri. We prayed and shared memories. Brunetta said a prayer that was totally unrehearsed but so very meaningful, very eloquent.

Jackie sent an email that Happy Hour was canceled to make time for former WI Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske who will be speaking to us at 4:00 p.m. I went down early to get a good seat and the Trattoria was filled with people enjoying Happy Hour. Evidently, they didn't get the message.

I took my wine into the Cannoli Room and listened to Jenine talk for 1 1/2 hours. She talked about the process by which cases get into the Supreme Court and the big case of redistricting that might get there if the legislature doesn't find a solution to fair districts. She had such energy and passion for the courts and talking to groups.

Connie Haas' daughter, Andrea, owner of Riverwest Pizza provided pizzas for everyone in attendance, There was plenty of the four types to go around.

I cut up a fabulous pineapple, so sweet and juicy, and mixed together the first part of the oatmeal. I hope everything turns out well.

Tuesday. January 23
I really blew it in Connections. I focused on money with dollar and sterling. STILL was the word in Wordl.

I took the oatmeal out of the refrigerator to get it warmer, and then I added raspberries, blueberries and sliced almonds. I baked it for about 50 minutes and took it out of the oven at 8:55 a.m. My guests were gathering. I did not expect Jean Heinen and I was very rude to her by asking her to sit at another table. Dwight intervened and gave her a chair, and then added another table for all of us to sit comfortably. There were twelve of us: Rod DePue, Barbara Leigh, Rikki Thompson, Jean Heinen, Dwight and Marleen Morgan, Cheri French, Brunetta Soward, Bruce and Terry Wiggens, Jackie Haessley and myself. Everyone liked the oatmeal and appreciated my gesture. There is just enough for my breakfast tomorrow. I was very pleased with the result.
While we were eating, Chef Chris stopped to chat and answer questions about the food service. The big issue is the budget. He is making every effort to improve matters.

The cleaners worked on my apartment while I was gone. I sat in the Trattoria and worked the crossword and forgot about fitness. Since I had a sleepless night worrying about timing and adequate amounts I could use a nap. I felt very rested after a solid sleep.

I made some dumb mistakes in sheepshead and lost 60 cents playing alone with one fail card; I should have called a partner.
I lectored at the 4:30 p.m. mass
I had the rest of Jay's dinner from Saturday.

I was surprised to get the hardest category first in Connections; didn't do that well in Wordl with RELIC as the word.

I think I opened a can of worms with my breakfast. Jackie wants to make it a twice monthly pot luck on Saturdays. Bruce didn't think that was such a good idea because it would involve too much food. He suggested doing a sign-up for maybe three people to provide the food on a rotation basis. Everyone liked just coming for a meal (naturally!).
Abby drove us to the Chamber Theater for Moon over the Misbegotten, by Eugene O'Neill.


The Irish brogue was sometimes hard to understand but La Shawn Banks was outstanding.
When Abby picked us up it was very foggy. As we were riding home new residents Ron and Kathy said that their son gave them so many pints of Kopp's frozen custard there wasn't enough room in their freezer and invited those of us on the bus to help them eat it. We headed for the Club Room, but people were watching a movie; so we gathered in their apartment formerly occupied by Jim and Maryanne Szantor. There were about ten pints of various flavors of custard, including key lime pie. Ron scooped it out and Kathy distributed them according to our requested flavors. I had a caramel cashew with whole cashews almost more than the custard.

Out the window behind Bob is the dense fog making visibility extremely limited. ( I could have been driving home from sheepshead in this pea soup).
Bob was drinking some beer from a Pschorr Brau stein and I told him about our steins and how Peter chills them. He said his favorite beer was a Czech Double Bock and he offered those who wished to have a sample. It is dark and syrupy tasting.
Kathy said that her son collects packages of oyster crackers from restaurants. She had a basket of them to pass around; I took three packages.
Cookie ordered take-out from Panera today. I ordered squash soup (thick and hot) and a 1/2 ham sandwich (generously filled).
I did not make Genius level in Spelling Bee.

BLOCK was the word in Wordl today
It was pretty foggy driving for my oil change at 10:00 a.m.  Gordie Boucher is all torn up.  The waiting room is in a big trailer, the restroom in another.  My car is in good shape.

Seven of us played dominoes until the Margarita Cocktail hour at 3:00 p.m., when Chuck and Jane Boecher left for Jim Tarantino's wake.  The rest of us continued to play after bringing our drinks to the game. Bob joined us, but thought the game too complicated.

Kathy Novotny said she was going to watch the Music Man at 6:00 p.m.  She didn't come, but I tried to get the movie and couldn't because Tyler's credit card needed to be updated.

I got to the Genius level again.
I'm not very good at Connections.

Abby drove a full bus to St. John's Cathedral for the funeral mass for James Tarantino.  Father Tim celebrated with four other priests.  The Cathedral was full.  Ava must have been totally exhausted from receiving hundreds of people with their condolences.  It was a beautiful service.

We got back just in time for the January Birthday party.  We were notified that only appetizers would be served, but there was a lot more than appetizers.  They were on the counter in the dining room, pork sliders plus cake.  It was quite substantial.  Frogwater provided Irish entertainment.

I finished a shawl that I hope to get blessed on Sunday to give to Ava.

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