Friday, June 28, 2024

Games and Lonely Pot Luck Breakfast

Thursday, February 15, 2024

We had some snow through the night, but not very much over here.  Janice said that Brad had to get out the snow blower in Cedarburg.

I did the chair workout; it is so pleasant with a video and no one talks.  I had a nice cold drink of water with lemon afterwards while I worked on my puzzles.  I got Wordl in 2 with ASCOT.  I flunked in Connections, but I got to the Genius level in connections with CONTINUUM as the bonus word.

I left the dominoes for the group, since I have a perm on 1:15 p.m.  Emma gave me the perm that took two hours.  I really like her gentle touch.
I stopped at Stein's for African violet soil and a pot; I really didn't need a pot.  I also bought a dress and then to Target for some tights.

I prepared a large frittata with mushrooms, yellow pepper, zucchini and spinach, with a touch of green onion and garlic for a group breakfast.  Places were set in the dining room, but no one came.  I ate alone until Dwight Morgan joined me for coffee.  This will be the last time I'm going to do this.

I joined Jackie Heassly, Jeanne Heinen and Joan Squire in the game room.  They were reading over the rules of some mountain adventure game.  The directions were so complicated and it looked like such a cheap game, I was ready to walk out.  Joan had another game that was a lot more fun.  Bill Schauder joined us and knew a lot of answers.


Talent Show

 Friday, February 16, 2024

Janice came with mushroom burgers and rolls, steamed green beans with a sauce and chocolate lava cake with ice cream.  Very delicious.
Before Janice left we looked at the craft display in the Cannoli room,   There were not as many items as the first show we had previously.

At 3:00 p.m. Cheri French and Bob Koebert hosted the Talent Show where our residents displayed their unique talents. 


Tyler Paskyl amazed us by wiggling his ears, and Amy matched him, adding curling and clovering her tongue; Avery Aken led us in some sing-alongs.

Bruce and Terry Wiggens told us about their Mardi Gras trip and threw out trinkets.

Lanore Lee recited Anna's speech from "The King and I", with amazing memory.

 Barbary Lee read some poems that she composed. 

Janice Collins recited "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert Service, another memory challenge.

 Marilyn Minor sang "It Might As Well Be Spring" and "My Funny Valentine", accompanied by Avery Aten.

Cookie Anderson showed us some of the Peep creations that she entered in previous Peep shows at Racine Fine Arts.  

And a group put on a puppet show. 

We ended with a parade led by people wearing shawls.

Peter and I went to Sazz's for delicious fish fries and ended the evening with drinks at the bar.
Before going to SRS, Peter got me to ECU for some cash.

Ash Wednesday/Valentine's Day

February 14, 2024 

Ash Wednesday/Valentine's Day

After breakfast I passed out my little Valentine cards; I should have done that yesterday.  I was short a few because of new people.  We are full at the present time.  I didn't finish because the Town Hall meeting was at 11:00 a.m.  We were notified that there was a break-in in the garage and unlocked cars had glove boxes opened, including mine!  When I took Dolly to the vet everything from my glove box was scattered.  I thought it was when I was looking for the Astor gate opener and I didn't put things back. My lovely Singapore purse with all my merchant cards was gone, and I might have had some change in a smaller purse.  We are instructed to lock our cars in the garage and be sure that no one follows us in.

I read at the noon mass,

We had a Valentine party at 2:00 p.m. that was a combination of the cocktail hour with cookies and other snacks.  Mikka hosted the cocktail hour with a pink cocktail with either vodka or gin in stemmed glasses rimmed with sugar. and garnished with a strawberry slice.

Rita Edwards has her cocktail, with ashes still on her forehead.

You can tell who the Catholics are.

I stopped working on a knitted cap to drive Charlotte to the Whitefish Bay Library to return the device for listening to audio books.

We had some nice stories about someone that inspired you at the story sharing time in the evening.  Jeanne Heinen showed us a scrapbook that she recently received from a former student.

Austrian American Meeting, Super Bowl

 Sunday, February 11, 2024

Peter and I attended the first Austrian American meeting of 2024.  Peter counted 17 people attending.

I skipped the pot luck, since I didn't have time to prepare anything.  I didn't care to go since many of us wanted to watch the Super Bowl.

I put together a dip for pretzels.  I should have mixed it last night to have it chill, but it chilled for about an hour.

Ron, Kathy and Rita were in the Club Room when I arrived for the pre-game program, but we had a pretty full room by game time.  Everyone carried in something to eat and we had a counter full: a huge taco salad, a taco dip, pretzels and dip, Dwight brought chicken wings, there was a veggie platter, Cheri brought barbecued meat balls, Marilyn brought brownie cup cakes with fresh strawberries.  She served her dessert before we stopped at half time.

I was getting discouraged with the Chiefs; they were not commanding the field as I expected, and they were trailing.  The game was tied at 19 at the end of regular play.  The Chiefs did not disappoint with a stunning touchdown in win 25 - 22.

Dwight and Marlene Morgan's Confirmation

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 I put together a layered taco salad for tonight's pot luck after Dwight and Marleen's Confirmation.  There was a beautiful ceremony, with Father Tim officiating, and Ava Tarantino as their sponsor; I lectored.

Pot Luck, Advantage, Symphony, Flute Choir

 Sunday, June 9, 2024

I made a ham salad for the pot luck.  I usually make too much, and there was quite a bit left over.  We had a large crowd taking part.  But on this lovely day, I would have preferred an outing with Peter instead of the pot luck.

Avery led us with an assortment of percussion instruments

Monday, June 10.  Janice's 58th Birthday

I got in touch with Margaret to get my Advantage account straightened out.  My card was not recognized and I was charged for the podiatrist.  She said it's MPS's problem, but she'll re-enroll me for July and I should be fine. I got my apartment ready for the cleaners tomorrow.  

Tuesday, June 11

Passed out dish cloths to new members.  Mailed checks to Salvation Army, Kids First Fund and Kinship.

Played sheepshead and lost 85 cents. Lectored.

Made restaurant reservations for Door County.

Friday, June 14

The Symphony was fabulous.  Augustin Hadelich played Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D major that was spellbinding. 

He took about four curtain calls and then played "Turkey in the Straw".

Peter texted that we could get in to Polishfest for $5.00 before 5:00 p.m.  At first I thought that would be a good idea.  Then the thought of walking around, and standing in line to get food did not appeal to me.  So, we went to Estabrook Park and had a beer and hot dogs.  The hot dogs didn't really satisfy us, so we finished the evening with grilled cheese at Culver's.

I bought some grapes for the reception following the Gutekunst Flute Choir Concert.  

Saturday, June 15

I had my hair colored.

I was just in time to get in a good position for the concert.  The group demonstrated the ranges of the flutes and then played melodies from movies.


Finished the evening playing Rumikub

Letter Ministry/Debate

 Thursday, June 27, 2024

I did chair aerobics and was late for dominoes because I fell fast asleep.  Chuck said he called me and alerted Mika and Tyler to check if something happened to me.  But I got down eventually.  Tyler had some mimosas left from a special breakfast that he shared.

I attended a meeting at St. John's to learn about being a pen pal to an incarcerated person.  I think this is something I might like to do.

We gathered in the Club Room for the Presidential debate.  It was disappointing to see Biden not taking a firmer stand on the issues and Trump pouncing all over him with his wild assertions.  I couldn't stand watching beyond the break.

Franklin Poll/Annie's Birthday

 Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I met Claude at Marquette for the Charles Franklin poll on the presidential race.  Trump and Biden are 50/50, but the key factor will be enthusiasm of the voters.  Trump's supporters are more enthusiastic than Biden's and that may determine the race.  The more enthusiastic the voters, the more likely they will vote.

Charlotte hosted a gathering of second floor residents to celebrate Annie Hahn's Birthday.  We discussed books among other things and hopefully, we'll get more people to attend the Book Club, since some did not know that we are discussing books that we are reading.


Full Tuesday

 Tuesday June 25, 2024

After strengthening I picked up my prescription.  I was just in time for the Lunch and Learn about Alzheimer's disease.

Shirley, Annie, Jane and I discussed books.  We missed Cheri who is in the hospital after falling and shattering her knee replacement.  

I played sheepshead until it was time for mass.  I convinced Shirley to play with us, and she did extremely well after not playing for many years.  She thanked me for inviting her.

I read at mass, and as many times as I said Sennacherib and Hezekiah, I had trouble getting those two names out.

"Lost" medication/Brewers Game

 Monday, June 24, 2024

I'm going to fitness more regularly, trying to ignore the chatter.

I filled my pill containers and was missing one prescription.  I know that I picked up three prescriptions on June 18th.  I searched in every possible corner, with no luck.  I finally called the pharmacist to explain that I must have lost Carvedilol.  He said that I never picked it up; it's due for a refill.  What a relief!

I went with Dan and Jackie to O'Brien's Irish Pub to have dinner before the Brewers/Rangers game.  We waited for them to open, but I checked and they are closed Mondays.  We went to Kelly's Bleachers and met Barbara and Bob.  I had a large, very hot hot dog.  We had great seats and enjoyed seeing the Brewers beat the rangers 6 - 3 with a grand slam home run. 

Bike Race Continued

 Sunday, June 21, 2024

Laura called to invite Peter and me to left-overs from the bike race, because she said that she owed Peter a dinner, since he missed the Friday bike race.  His phone had a busy signal and he did not answer his cell, nor respond to my text.  I was so upset at not reaching him that I drove to his house.  As I was entering his house, he was texting me!  No need to be upset.

We had those wonderful pulled pork sandwiches and I brought sweetened strawberries that I meant to take to the SRS pot luck.  They were a lot better at Jay and Laura's with brownies.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Breakfast Pot Luck

 Saturday, June 22, 2024

I brought sweetened strawberries for the pot luck breakfast, Dwight brought skiers French toast, that is something I'd like to try, Jackie had eggs in a slow cooker that were not completely done.

I had my hair done.  Tried mirroring TCM on my phone, but need a user name.

Farmers Market/Five Parish Pot Luck

 Thursday, June 20, 2024

I went to the chair fitness after many months; it was a video, so it was quiet.

We went to the WA Farmers Market and I bought a large tomato, some spinach, and a bread.

Peter and I went to the 5 Parishes pot luck at Estabrook Park.  There were mostly young people and families there; Peter and I were like their grandparents.  Mamie sat across from me who bought Joan Squire's house.  After a while, we moved away from the group and sat closer to the music.

Red Hats at Pho Ever

 Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Red Hats had a very nice lunch at Pho Ever, a very neat Vietnamese restaurant in Hales Corners.  I had a clay bowl with a lot of vegetables with shrimp.

Linda must have corralled everyone on the second floor, because Joan, Doug, Nancy and I were the only ones in the Club Room doing the readings.  Linda is always late, so we started and read to each other.

Missed Ladies of Lee-sure Lunch

Tuesday, June 17, 2024

I really goofed today.  I neglected to read the new location for today's Ladies of Lee-sure luncheon, so I went to Steak Out and was the only one there.  I called Karen and she said that she sent me the new location, but didn't tell me where it was.  I pulled up an email and it said Balistreri's.  I was the only one on the lot. Unfortunately, it was a much older email.  It really was some place at Mayfair.  I passed on going; I'd never get there in any reasonable time.

I went to West Allis Cheese and had a grilled ham and Swiss on rye and iced tea that I ate outdoors.  I should have taken half home.

Then I went to the West Allis Farmers Market and bought some catnip for Hello Dolly.  She nipped at it first thing.

I turned in a shawl at the Prayer Shawl meeting and went to mass.

Linda rapped at my door with a selection of readings for tomorrow night.  We had tea and I picked out one of her selections.

Father Tim on Alcoholism

 Sunday, June 16, 2024

I lectored at the 10:30 a.m. mass.  Father Tim's homily began with his trip to Ireland and his visit to the Matt Talbot memorial, the patron saint of alcoholics.  He gave such a moving homily, I only wish that Laura could have been here. The rest of the day was rather gloomy, so I read and got acquainted with Netflix.

Bike Race

Friday, June 21, 2024

I did the fitness exercise and Abby said there was room for another person to go to Moxie's Restaurant in Whitefish Bay.  Cookie knew the owner, so there were some nice reunions.  I had three shrimp cakes; I took one home.  It was a nice lunch.

Jay called me after 5:00 p.m. asking where I was.  I said that I was home.  I was supposed to be at their house for the bike race.  I thought it was Saturday.  I dropped everything and got there in record time.  But now, where to park with all the streets blocked.  I parked about two blocks away.  Claude and the Faridays were there.  Laura had pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad and other accompaniments.  We had a lot of fun cheering the bikers.