Sunday, June 23, 2024

Missed Ladies of Lee-sure Lunch

Tuesday, June 17, 2024

I really goofed today.  I neglected to read the new location for today's Ladies of Lee-sure luncheon, so I went to Steak Out and was the only one there.  I called Karen and she said that she sent me the new location, but didn't tell me where it was.  I pulled up an email and it said Balistreri's.  I was the only one on the lot. Unfortunately, it was a much older email.  It really was some place at Mayfair.  I passed on going; I'd never get there in any reasonable time.

I went to West Allis Cheese and had a grilled ham and Swiss on rye and iced tea that I ate outdoors.  I should have taken half home.

Then I went to the West Allis Farmers Market and bought some catnip for Hello Dolly.  She nipped at it first thing.

I turned in a shawl at the Prayer Shawl meeting and went to mass.

Linda rapped at my door with a selection of readings for tomorrow night.  We had tea and I picked out one of her selections.

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