Friday, July 9, 2021

Visit With Don

 July 9. 2021

When I got a phone call from Don I was afraid he was going to tell me not to come for some reason; but he wanted to know if I got his email.  I checked, and here it is.

Hi Marcia,

I hear that you are going through to visit today. Wonderful! I have a favor to ask of you. On Brady Street very near where you live is Glorioso’s Deli. Would you go there and buy for me 2 pounds of big olives. They’re in the deli section on the far end. They are green and look like little green plums and they are plain- no other ingredients. And one pound of their finest prosciutto- more than  30.00 a pound perhaps. I bought the 27.00 a pound stuff but didn’t care for it. And from the bakery vitrine 5 mixed berry tarts. They look like tiny pies. And 4 eclairs. 
Be careful driving.
You can face time me if you have a question. Anyway I think you can. Or just call.

608 509 8180
I've never been to Glorioso's.  I've passed it a few times, but never had occasion to go there.  What an enormous store!  I went to a man (among very many) in the deli and showed him Don's email.  He knew just what he wanted.  I'm glad that I didn't wait until the last minute to do my shopping, because it took quite a long time for him to slice to perfection that prosciutto, especially at over $30.00 per pound.  That deli was so busy with all that help bustling around.  I'm not going to wait very long before I visit again.
I was on the road about 1:15 p.m.  It was a good drive with moderate traffic.
Masako was outside as I drove in and we greeted each other with warm hugs, holding on a long time.

Don was dozing in bed, but awoke quickly.  I didn't know what to expect, but I was pleased to see how alert and in good spirits he was.  A big hug with minimum emotion was all we needed.  I sat by him and we talked.  Rachel and Masako busied themselves so that Don and I could visit.  I asked Don how he knew where all the items were and the prices at Glorioso's. He said that they made a trip with Myleen a few weeks ago.  How strange; they drove right by St. Rita!  I hope they make the trip again and stop in.  He is managing his condition as best as he can. He has numbness in his hands and feet; finds it difficult to use the keyboard.  There are only a few things that he enjoys eating: some things he can't taste, some might be difficult to digest.  Constipation can be a problem; I suggested Metamucil which he heard about and will definitely put on his list to buy.  He gets very much attention from the family.  Rachel learned how to be a nurse on YouTube and she administer all of his medications.  Eric comes as often as he can and then he takes over, the same with Naomi.  Myleen provides transportation whenever it is needed, and unfortunately, there were a number of trips to the hospital when medications were not performing.  He and Masako each have their own bedrooms (and maybe baths), so there is plenty of room to accommodate both of them.  Kai is living in Madison and Koji has a room downstairs.  
I had tea with some crusty bread with the prosciutto that I bought.
Don has bird feeders next to his window and a bird bath fountain that give him endless pleasure.  He was so proud of Rachel's garden, so before leaving I had to have a look.  And my visit ended in a sour note.  As I went down a step to the porch I fell.  My right knee collapsed.  Nothing looks sprained or swollen, but my left ankle hurts.  So I have a bum right knee and an aching left ankle.  I have to really concentrate when I approach a step to decide which foot to lead with and support myself securely with railings.

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