Monday, February 15, 2021


 July 14, 2019
I don't know exactly when this all started, but I felt some pain in my back, thinking that I pulled a muscle or strained myself somehow. I would favor my right side when sleeping, but could sleep on my left side if I was in the right position.  I felt a dull pain, but nothing that I was overly concerned about. Towards the end of our Ireland/Scotland trip I felt a small growth on my left lower back. I made an appointment to see Dr. Gudamaraj on July 19.  She didn't seem overly concerned and asked if I bumped or injured myself in some way; I did not.  She ordered an ultrasound for Friday the 21st.  The results were negative.  Next, she ordered an MRI which was scheduled for July 2?. I needed to give a lot of medical information, which included a stent that was put in some years ago. A few days before the MRI I got a call from scheduling to get more information about the stent, like what was the model number. I said that was the most ridiculous question that I ever heard.  How would I have that information?  I pulled up my spreadsheet and gave her the exact date and doctor that did the procedure, 9/7/2008?  Still they would have to reschedule, but this time at St. Luke's on July 9th.  By this time the small growth had more than doubled in size, was red and very painful. I was in pain driving when I put pressure on my left side; I sat with a pillow on my right side to ease any pressure on my left.  I had no ambition, and just was idle most of the day.  Only Peter knew of my condition and he was alarmed when he saw the growth. 

Usually it takes a couple of days for the radiology results to get to the doctor, then the patient. At 9:00 am on Wednesday, the day after the MRI, Dr. Gundamaraj called and said that I should see a urologist as soon as possible, or check into West Allis Emergency to get started with tests immediately.  The latter seemed the most sensible, so I ate a quick breakfast, got myself ready, called Heather to see if Lanie could take care of Dolly, called Jerry to look after the house and called Claude and Janice, with instructions to not inform Laura and Jay who were on a dream vacation in the UK.  

I checked into West Allis at 11:5 on July 10th. I was directed to an emergency room and put through a lot of preliminary tests that included a CAT scan.  When someone first looked at my back he said, Whoa! we don't see that too often.  The cat scan revealed that I had a fluid buildup around the kidney, a huge kidney stone and infected kidney.  I would not be leaving.  

A nurse practitioner explained what was going on and I would have to have a surgical procedure to drain the fluid and antibiotics to combat the infection.  They did that under some anesthetic before I was assigned a room.  I might have some of the sequence mixed.  I called Terry as all this was going on and she is very concerned.  I was able to order some food, barbequed chicken breast, before 7:00 pm.  I was hooked up to two drainage tubes in my back and one IV in my arm.  My back is a little painful, especially trying to sleep.  I was monitored frequently all through the night.

July 11, 2019
I had problems getting in and out of the bed with these tubes iny back.  Meal service is very strange.  We can call 3663 from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm and order from various items in the menu.  It takes about 45 minutes for our tray to be delivered.  Toast is barely brown and limp.  I didn't have much if an appetite.  Lunch wasn't much better, with grilled ham and cheese barely grilled.  An infection specialist came and said that I had a very serious infection and should be much sicker than I am.  Everyone is amazed at how well I'm doing with that infection. I'm very closely monitored, but am able to move without as much discomfort.  Other than the needles in my back, I have no other pain.  I received Holy Communion.

Friday, July 12.
More of the same basic routine.  A nurse practitioner associated with the urologist came to see me to prepare me for what the urologist would tell me, that my kidney is so infected that it would have to be removed.  That was a shock. I called Claude, but not Janice because she was planning to come for a visit.  I was surprised when Claude came first.  Janice came with Brad before picking up some things from my house.  Janice brought some red grapes.  Janice was extremely concerned about the surgery and would like to grill the doctor about other options. My nurse took Janice's number and said she would have the doctor call her when he comes to see me.  

Saturday, July 14
Dr. Kadalac came to see me and he made a three-way call with Janice.  He told us that my left kidney is non-functional and I'd either have to live with a drainage tube which would limit my mobility or have the kidney removed and I could have a normal life.  He said that it's a very serious surgery with risks, with possible fatality.  He was very thorough, and I think Janice is satisfied that I am making the right decision.  My IV wasn't working, so they had to find another vein.  I was like a pincushion with all the probing and poking they did. They could see a vein, but it would roll away. It took a few people to finally find the right spot.
I spend most of the day reading, very little TV.  I'm in a very quiet corner room.

Sunday, July 14, 2019
My IV was causing some problems because it is in the crook of my elbow and I shouldn't ben my arm when it's connected.  But I get the antibiotics for only 30 minutes at a time.  A Eucharistic Minister from Blessed Sacrament gave me Holy Communion; naturally he knew the Zienteks.  
The plan is for me to go home tomorrow and will be getting nursing care until my surgery is scheduled.
Janice called either Saturday or Sunday suggesting that the surgery didn't seem urgent and I should wait until Laura, Claude and she were with me for this serious surgery.  I said that I would discuss it with the surgeon.  Had a hard time sleeping wondering how I'll manage with these tubes hanging down, and will I survive the surgery.

Monday, July 15, 2019
A very confusing morning. I am scheduled for discharge today. The urologist nurse practitioner told me what would be happening and it looked like surgery wouldn't happen for a few weeks, which would be good news for Janice who wanted it later.  Then shortly after the infection specialist came and said he would like it to be sooner instead of later.  He explained the different procedures to me, but now wanted to confer with the urologist to see what's the best way to proceed.  My daily visiting doctor was also in the room, Dr. Takele.  Then Dr. Tamale talked to me privately and said the CAT scan showed a mass around my liver and gall bladder and they don't know what that is. When I get to St. Luke's they will so another scan.  It might be a tumor.  The blood just drained all the way down with that news.
I had more scheduling and rescheduling.  It looks like we will be sticking to the original plan with Dr. Kadilac. I had another tube inserted to take the place of the other IV.  It was done in the room by Monica under sterile conditions.  It was rather painless.  The social worker came to go over my home care options. The co-pays would be $200. a week, plus medicine, and she couldn't begin to put a price on that. I opted for outpatient care, which means I would have to drive to West Allis Hospital every day.

July 24th, 2019

Janice and Brad were in Eagle River and always manage to get together with Jim and Carol, also Rodney and Mary.  Janice asked me if I could tell them of my medical problem and I said that she could.  Rod didn't waste any time by suggesting that I get a second opinion.  He would contact someone at Froedert, Dr. Peter Langenstroer if I would like to do that.  I gave him my name and birth date and the process was started.

August 8, 2019  Second Opinion

Claude met me at Froedert to meet with Dr. Langenstroer.  I had the preliminary test on vitals before an assistant talked to me, then Dr. L.  He said that the treatment I was getting was excellent and that I was making good progress.  He also gave me another option.  I could have a drain put into my kidney to see if it produces urine; that also involves a bag.  If it produces enough urine, the kidney may not be that far gone.  After that the kidney stone that is the cause of all my problem would have to be removed surgically.  If the percentage of urine would determine how salvageable the kidney is.  Otherwise, it would have to be removed.

August 15, 2019 Nyphsostomy

I was check on at Froedert by noon and prepped for my procedure. One of the original tubes was not positioned correctly and wasn't doing an effective job.  One tube was removed and another inserted.  It was not painless, a lot of pushing and probing.
I'm in a recovery room getting the best of care.  My blood pressure was getting on the high side, which was of some concern, but eventually stabalized.  Other vitals were all good.  I did not have any pain following the procedure,  was able to eat and sleep well.  I t seems that all I want to do is sleep, and even after sleeping so much during the day, I sleep soundly at night, even with the interruptions to checm vitals.

  1. I was scheduled to go home on Friday, but when I got up to go to the bathroom my nurse had to steady me because I was losing my balance.  I felt slightly feverish for a short while and it was verified.  A couple of meds came and said that I needed to stay a couple more days.  Then I was moved to a regular patient room on the 9th floor with a nice view.  Aides helped me walk holding a belt, and I took a short walk in the hall.  Janice and Brad came to visit after Colin's baseball game.
  2. During the night I went to the bathroom a couple of times with no problem.  By morning, I was told I could be discharge.  Because this is a teaching hospital there is a parade of people in and out of the room and checking vitals and my back.  Unfortunately,  the left kidney is not producing urine, absolutely none.  The discharge went very slowly, with all the directions to prepare.  Finally I was wheeled directly to my car.  I drove to West Allis to make my future appointments,  but Out Patient was close

 August 19, 2019  Cardiologist

On one of my recent visits to Dr. Gundamraj I said that I was short of breath.  Shr recommended an ultrasound of the heart and to see a cardiologist.  She also gave me a prescription.  Since I've been om antibiotics,  I'vs noticed that my breathing is easier and I can do more things.  So I figured my problems were all related to my kidney infection. 
I had my IV treatment, but the bags and dressing of the tubes is my responsibility.   Terry keeps offering to help, so here's her chance.
I had my appointment with Dr. Kostopoulis at St. Luke's and the report wasn't very good. He was able to pull up my ultrasound that was never forwarded to to Gundamraj and showed me the irregularities that he was seeing.  I have some heart problems and he would like to do a special procedure, some catherization to thread a line from my wrist to my heart, but I don't remember what that's supposed to do.  The doctor recommended having a family member accompany me on my next visit in four weeks.  This could also determine if my heart could survive the kidney removal operation.  He said that I should be taking Ensure to increase my protein, because lack of protein causes fluid to build up around the heart.





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