Monday, February 22, 2021


Last Thursday I got a code from Aurora to schedule a COVID vaccination.  Once I entered my information, I tried scheduling an appointment.  I clicked on every calendar day up to May with "no times available".  I registered with Walgreens, Maijier, and various other places.  Franklin was vaccinating on February 24th, but all slots were filled.  I talked to Terry on Friday and she looked up a lot of sources, but many places were closed by then.  Terry and Bob already had theirs along with many other people I know.  

Jay and Annika paid me a visit on Saturday to start Anton's car and pick up the slide projector (it works after many years in the basement).  Jay changed my bulb in the chandelier and cleaned out the bathroom vent in the spare bedroom.  I told him about my frustration in getting scheduled and he tried getting on Aurora.  After getting the same results that I did, he called the customer service number and after waiting through countless recorded messages, finally got a person who told him there were no appointments available.  Next, Jay sent an email to Franklin Health and Human Services to see if I could be on a wait list on February 24th.

I had to phone Jay after he left because he forgot the slide projector which was the reason for his trip.

Today I got an email from Courtney Day, head of Franklin's Health and Human Services, saying that there were spaces open on March 3rd.  I filled out one time slot, but by the time I hit Submit the slot was filled.  Fortunately the next slot was open.

March 3, 2021

I arrived for my 3:15 pm appointment a few minutes early and was directed to the check-in desk, then another person where I answered some questions about my health.  I waited a minute before a chair was open and sat down for my shot into my right upper arm.  The needle is so fine that I hardly felt it, not like the blood center spike. 

I had not discomfort in the evening.

March 4,

I had a very good night's rest with no pain or other symptoms related to the vaccination.

March 30, 2021 

My appointment was at the same time at Franklin City Hall.  Again it was hardly felt.  I expected some discomfort of other feelings that were listed as possible reactions.  I felt none afterwards.  When I was lying on my right side with sleeping, I felt a very little tenderness, but nothing to keep me awake. If I put pressure on the area of the injection, I could feel something; otherwise, nothing.  One bonus was a table of bread and rolls that we could help ourselves to.  I had a beef patty thawing, so I made a hamburger on a bun  with a nice slice of onion.

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